Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Vietnam Social Issues- Poverty


Today, we decided to head out to the rural areas of Vietnam. And to our surprise, we came across a lot of homes that were non-existant. Poverty had overcome these areas. We talked to a couple families and asked them how this came to be and whats happening to these places. They told us that everyone is moving to more city areas, but that leads to more social issues such as unemployment rates rising very quickly. We also learned that 3/4 of Vietnam was in poverty in the mid-1980's, and the government was pretty successful in dealing with this issue. That being said, you can't fix everything.

My friend and I were thinking about ways to fix this and we decided to volunteer a little bit. We're going to spend tomorrow working with the families and helping them make food for meals for a week. But for the long run, the only thing that we really can do is talk to the government and make sure that they are continuing to think about and consider the poverty that still exists in Vietnam. Every little bit counts.

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