Thursday, December 13, 2012

Vietnam Characteristics!

Connection to our culture!! The Vietnam like to play chess too! :) Their's however, it a lot bigger version. They like to play it outside in the yard on a big board marked out on grass. They follow the rules of the Chinese chess.

In the past, marriage was a huge tradition in Vietnam. People were getting married at young ages and the wedding was planned by parents and extended family. However in the modern days, as I witnessed today, people are free to marry whom they choose. Yes thats right, I went to a Vietnamese wedding today :) There are two different ceremonies during a Vietnamese wedding, the Lễ Ǎn Hỏi and the Lễ Cưới. Where the main focus is on the grooms family. Sometime before the wedding, they visit the brides family and on the wedding day they go to the brides house and ask permission for the groom to marry the bride.


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